40/1 Gal Fuel In A Can
 40/1 Gal Fuel In A Can
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Harvest King® Select 40:1 2-Cycle Fuel 946ml Can

SKU # 3552857   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Harvest King® Select 40:1 2-Cycle Fuel 946ml Can
Harvest King® Select 40:1 2-Cycle Fuel is an ETHANOL-FREE, clean burning 92 octane fuel specifically formulated for use in small engines. This ready-to-use fuel and oil is mixed at a 40:1 ratio with high-performance 100% synthetic JASO FD Certified oil and is formulated for long-life durability, making it one of the best small engine fuels on the market.
* Easier, more dependable starts
* Enables worry-free long-term storage
* Improves throttle response
* Protects fuel systems & saves carburetors
* Burns cleaner & extends engine life
* Prevents problems fuel stabilizers can’t fix
* Avoids costly rebuilds and downtime
* Won’t attract moisture, oxidize or form
gummy deposits in carburetor
* Engineered for carburetors and fuel
injection systems

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