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SKU # 3562459   
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  • Features
Introducing the Orbeez Activity Orb Fidget Pack! Unbox the Fidget Pack to reveal four mini-playsets, called the Flow, Bounce, Squeeze and Crush Playsets! Each activity orb in the Fidget Pack comes with 400 fully grown, Green, Blue, Purple or Pink Orbeez stored in their very own activity containers, with a hinged lid, for maximum portability! After a quick set-up, kids and adults can enjoy the soothing sensory experience of playing with these juicy gems! In the Flow Playset, use the scoop to send your Orbeez slipping and sliding down 2 ramps and 2 chutes, before bouncing into one of three numbered slots below. Earn 1, 2 or 3 points, based on where you land and see how many points you can score! The Bounce Playset features an Orbeez launcher, which you attach to the lip of the container, along with 2 numbered baskets that you snap onto the lid. Use the launcher to propel your Orbeez into one of the baskets and, depending on which basket you get, earn either 2 or 3 points for every basket

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