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Red Mountain Valley® Outdoor Patio Heater

SKU # 3520677   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Red Mountain Valley® Outdoor Patio Heater
The outdoor propane heater is a great way to extend your outdoor entertaining into the fall or early spring with family and friends. Why waste your outdoor living areas. This attractive and durable heater brings outdoor living to an all new level. Too chilly to go out on your patio tonight, no problem, it's as simple as pushing a button on this tower of comfort, in minutes it transforms your patio, deck or pool area into a comfortable, warm, summer like area that can be used any time of the year.

  •  Made from Powder coated iron
Fuel: Propane
Heat Output: max. 11-13.5 kW (450-870 g/h)
Consumption: 450g/h – 870 g/h
Total Height: 89.9 Inches
Base Dia: 18.1 in x 3.5 in (H) x 0.3 in (T)
Pole: Dia: 2.2 in x 34.2 in x 0.5 in (T)
Flame Screen Dia: 10.8 in x 9.1 in (H) x 0.8 mm (T)
Reflector Dia: 32 in x 3.4 in (D) in Aluminum 

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