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Know How to Understand The Basics of Turkey Hunting
Turkey hunting is a popular outdoor hobby, but there are nuances. Learn the basics so your time in the field is rewarding right from the start.
Know How To Raise Happy, Healthy Bunnies
Rabbits are beloved by many, but caring for one as a pet is a unique challenge that some people might not be ready for. If you or a family member is thinking about raising bunnies, make sure you're prepared first, starting with these fundamental tips.
Know How to Raise Backyard Chickens
With quirky antics and distinct personalities, chickens can provide hours of entertainment. Whether you want them as pets or for a ready supply of fresh eggs, it isn't hard to get started raising backyard chickens. If you are thinking of raising chickens but don't know the first things about them, we've got you covered.
Know How to make a Hummingbird Friendly Garden
Hummingbirds are some of the most lovely birds you can find in a garden. It is no wonder that many gardeners and bird lovers alike obsess over how to draw them into their view. If you’re new to intentional gardening, you probably have lots of questions. Do you have to plant the right flowers? Is a hummingbird feeder enough? Should you get store-bought nectar or make your own? Luckily, attracting hummingbirds does not require a lot of tiny exact details or magic potions. Here are a few things to do and to avoid to entice the beautiful creatures into your garden.
Know How to Attract Colorful Birds to Your Yard
Birdwatching is a phenomenon of the 20th century. The advent of binoculars and other optical aids let people study wild birds in a natural habitat. Today, backyard birding is very popular. If you cater to birds, you may attract some beautiful species.
Know How to Attract Bees and Butterflies to Your Garden
Attracting bees and butterflies requires some knowhow, but it’s worth the effort. These beneficial insects pollinate your plants while adding their distinctive beauty to your outdoor spaces.

However, without careful planning, they might avoid your garden altogether. To increase the traffic of these helpful visitors, create the sort of environment they prefer.
Know the Dethatching Process
With the spring right around the corner, it is time to start thinking about lawn care and landscape maintenance. One of the many burdens of spring and summer lawn care is learning how to dethatch your yard.

Thatch is that strange layer of organic debris, a mix of living and dead plant material, that forms at the base of grass plants. While maintaining a thin layer, about a half-inch, of organic matter that quickly breaks down can be beneficial to the health of your lawn, anything thicker can be detrimental.
Know How Water and Food Attracts Spring Birds
Birds bring joy to thousands of people every day, and there is no better time to enjoy the beauty of these feathered friends than in the spring. The birds are more active then, they sing more, and their colors are more vibrant. There are several keys to attracting spring birds to your garden, backyard or home. Most of them are fairly easy, not too expensive and don't require a lot in the way of engineering knowledge.
Know how Wild Boars are a threat across the Prairies and Beyond
How many wild boars are roaming the prairies? No one knows – not even Dr. Ryan Brook, associate professor at the University of Saskatchewan, who leads the only wild pig research project in the country.

“We have this overwhelming pile of data showing we have a lot of pigs, that they’re reproducing at alarming rates, and that they are spreading quickly,” he said. “The only thing we don’t have yet is a population estimate.”
Know what AMR is and how policy changes affect the use of Antimicrobials for Livestock
Late in 2017, Health Canada introduced a package of regulatory and policy changes to strengthen the veterinary oversight of the use of antimicrobials in animals.

Most impactful to animal owners and producers is the policy that moved all medically important antimicrobials (MIAs) to the prescription drug list. Effective Dec. 1, 2018, all use of MIAs requires a prescription from a registered veterinarian, and over the counter sales are no longer permitted. This includes injectable, in-water and in-feed antimicrobials.
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