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Know How To Prepare for Those Summer Storms Before They Hit Home
Summer is a time for tumultuous weather. Tornado frequency has been on the rise during the summer months, particularly in the Southeast, and summer heat can also lead to intense afternoon and evening thunderstorms. Hurricane season begins on June 1st, and this year’s activity is expected to be high.
Know How To Choose the Right Fertilizer for Your Plants
Plants, like all living creatures, need to take in a certain amount of nutrients. They can get most of their nutrients from the dirt in which they grow, but what about plants that grow in nutrient-poor soil? The easy fix to this situation would be to feed your plants with a good-quality fertilizer, but how do you know which one to buy? It might surprise you that fertilizing plants can be quite an intricate business. Here are three tips to get you started:
Know How to Chop Firewood
Chopping firewood can be a daunting task unless you know which tools and methods to use. The best way to chop wood puts less strain on your body while maximizing the amount of wood you can chop during a session.
Know How to Preserve Your Harvest With These 10 Tips
Increased interest in self-reliance has brought renewed attention to home food preservation. Canning is a great way to put up a shelf-stable supply of delicious, healthy fruits and vegetables when your garden is producing more than you can eat. Follow these basic tips to get started with confidence.
Know How to Grill Your Steak on The BBQ Grill
Ready to tackle the best BBQ meat? Grilling steak isn’t complicated, but you do need to take the right steps to getting it cooked properly before it gets on your plate.
How To Make Your Own Soap
People have been making their own soap for thousands of years. In fact, the very first soap was made in approximately 2800 B.C. by the Babylonians. Today, the art of soapmaking is known to relatively few. Fortunately, it’s not too hard for the average person to find instructions for making soap online.
How To Design Your Very Own Fairy Garden
A fairy garden can be a delightful, whimsical addition to your landscape. These miniature scenes add a mystical element to your garden and can be enjoyed by young and old. If you have seen cute ideas for how to do this project but have been hesitant about trying it yourself, do not put it off any longer. Consider these easy tips for getting started on creating an adorable DIY fairy garden that is uniquely yours. To get started, you can simply choose a good spot for it, get together what you need and follow your imagination.
How To Build a Chicken Coop
Protect your chickens from the elements and predators with a DIY chicken coop. Whether you’re considering purchasing your first chickens or you’ve been raising poultry for years, find out how to create your own coop and save money on this DIY project. Create a design, purchase supplies and build a poultry shelter on your property with these steps. Enjoy a healthy, safe flock of chickens with a new coop and other quality supplies.
Know How To Create Beautiful Spring Planters With Bulbs and Flowers
Have you always wanted to learn how to create spring planters that are just as gorgeous as the ones you see at your local greenhouse? You’re in luck. You can create beautiful spring planter using bulbs and flowers that complement each other well. Here are some easy ideas to get you started.
Know The Benefits of Tilling
With all the things on your to-do list this spring, you may be tempted to put certain tasks, like tilling the garden, lower on the list. Can you get by without tilling this year? The answer is no, because this process is as essential to getting your garden ready as sowing seeds. If you omit this step, not only will your plants be at a disadvantage but you are likely to have issues with weed control throughout the growing season.
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